Thursday, December 18, 2008

Fish - No, but Shark...Yes?

A couple posts down I had wrote that Happy did not like the Fish Sticks I bought for her.  I was a little bummed and I should throw them out now.  I keep hoping she would start chewing them but they are in mint condition.

I saw the 6" Great White Chew online at BestBullySticks. The fish failed epically so who knows why I thought Happy would like Shark?  I ordered it.  Gave it a shot...and she LOVED it!  She really devoured the whole thing in about 10 minutes and only crumbs were left.

Here were the reasons why:
1.  The are made of Thresher Shark Spine and nothing else!  Kind of cool huh.
2.  They are good for teeth and are packed with Chondroitin for joints.  I know this is good for you because when I hurt my knee the doctor made me take Chondroitin pills.
3.  They are a good source of omega 3 fatty acids that promote healthy skin and heart.
4.  The most important reason of that they have anti-cancer properties!

Did you know that cancer is leading health issue for dogs?  Like human cancer there is no direct pinpoint to where it comes from.  Its estimated that 1 in 4 dogs will die from canine cancer. Cancer is the leading cause of death in both Cats and Dogs over 10 years old.

According to VPI Pet Insurance, dogs are:
1.  Twice as likely to develop leukemia than humans.
2.  Four times more likely to suffer from breast cancer.
3.  Eight times more likely to develop bone cancer.
4.  35 times more at risk for developing skin cancer.  Insane.

Possible reasons why the risk is so much higher than humans:
1.  Dogs may be consuming carcinogens in their dog food.  Some of the chemicals used to preserve pet food have been revealed to be cancer causing agents.  Sadly, Mouth Cancer is the 4th leading cause of cancer in dogs.
2.  Dogs regularly inhale unseen cancer causing materials.
3.  Dogs get a lot of sun exposure.  On a sunny day (especially So. Cal) dogs are likely to hang out in the sun for hours.  This can lead to a large amount of ultraviolet exposure and likely the reason for skin cancer in dogs.

ANYWAYS.  Enough of the sad talk.

Enjoy life while its good.  Enjoy it when its bad because its the only life you got, so live it to the fullest with no regrets!


1 comment:

yunsok said...

happy is a shark, a great white land shark!